Are you maybe self-conscious about smiling because you’re living with crooked, overcrowded, chipped, or broken teeth? You might consider restoring your smile with cosmetic dental procedures but maybe you’re unsure because you may be thinking “there’s no reason to fix my teeth except to look better.”
However, there are good reasons to fix your teeth that go beyond merely cosmetic ones. Some of these actually affect your oral health and even your overall health. Dr. Poorva Parnaik of Dental Creations is an experienced dentist in Medford, NJ who can help restore and preserve your smile. Learn more about the important reasons to fix dental problems from Dr. Parnaik and her team below.
Reduce Your Risk of Gum Disease
Overcrowded or crooked teeth may be a harbinger of worse problems to come. Teeth that shift in your mouth can become overcrowded if there’s nowhere for them to go. When teeth move too close together, they can crack or fracture. This crowding of your teeth can cause pain and, if left untreated, eventually infection.
Crooked, chipped, or broken teeth also making cleaning your teeth properly a challenge. If teeth are not cleaned properly, plaque and eventually tarter will form between teeth and along the gum line and begin to erode tooth enamel. Also, your gums can become irritated and inflamed and eventually gum disease will set in. As your gums pull away from your teeth from inflammation, it will cause them to be less stable while also opening up pockets where more tooth decay can set in under the gum line.
Improve Overall Health
Progressive gum disease is also linked to systemic health problems like heart disease and diabetes. An uneven bite, fractured or overcrowded teeth, or even missing teeth can lead to gum disease simply due to the fact that they are more difficult to clean. Choosing not to correct crowded or crooked teeth could place your wellbeing and your life at risk
Ensure Your Teeth Wear Evenly
If your teeth are not aligned properly, over time they will wear unevenly and cause premature tooth decay or pain. A common cause for excessive wear of teeth is an uneven bite, such as from an overbite, underbite, a jaw injury, crooked or missing teeth, or even a poor crown or molding fit.
Excessive tooth wear can lead to other, more serious dental health concerns because beneath the enamel is the dentin and this sensitive underlayer erodes even faster than enamel once it’s exposed. If an uneven bite is left untreated, a person’s teeth can be worn down to their stumps, possibly causing bridges, crowns, root canals, implants and even dentures to be necessary to remedy the issue.
Improve Your Smile in Medford, NJ
Dr. Parnaik is an experienced dentist who offers many different types of conservative, effective treatments to fit your needs. Call 609.365.0673 to or contact Dental Creations online to schedule a consultation with our Medford office today to keep your smile healthy and your confidence high!