Tooth bonding will correct minor cosmetic problems for a smile makeover.

Crooked, damaged and chipped teeth can be straightened, repaired and restored quickly with tooth bonding. Dr. Poorva Parnaik, a top Medford cosmetic dentist, offers a variety of tooth bonding procedures to correct your dental problems and give you the smile you desire.

Tooth bonding can serve as an economical transition to a more permanent solution, such as porcelain veneers. Tooth bonding is not permanent and can be removed if necessary or so desired for additional cosmetic treatment.

ADA video

This short video shows how tooth bonding is not only effective, but a relatively painless and easy procedure that can provide excellent results. In many cases toot bonding is covered by dental insurance. Dr. Parnaik is an experienced cosmetic dentist who can offer tooth bonding results that look and feel natural, blending with your adjacent natural teeth and providing a comfortable smile.

Tooth bonding typically lasts 5 years or more when the teeth are cared for with routine preventive visits with Dr. Parnaik at Dental Creations in Medford and good oral hygiene at home.